Passion and Meaning -The Central Theme of RELAUNCH! - Why?

Passion and Meaning!! That's it in a nutshell. If we're able to find passion and meaning in what we do, we're going to want to feel that way all the time. My recently released book, RELAUNCH!, is based on that premise. Of course it's not possible to experience this feeling every hour of every day, but so many clients with whom I have worked and others I have listened to about their career or job are down on the satisfaction they feel with their work....some feeling after 10-20 years like they've chosen the wrong career. This is so important. As noted in the Preface of the book, according to a comprehensive 2014 study by CoreNet Global and Solexo, employees spend 54% of their waking hours working. This only includes the "working" part. How much time do you spend doing your job, talking about it, or thinking about it? I contend that most mid or late career professionals and others who have a strong stake in their careers spend far more than 54% doing all of those things. How depressing can that be if you are dissatisfied or unfulfilled? Even if you have neutral feelings about what you do, is that enough? I'm working on this blog early in the morning while I have other things I "need to get done" because I feel passionate about my book and communicating about it. I want people to read the book and learn how to feel this way. So, everything in RELAUNCH! centers around making the changes needed to find an ongoing sense of passion and meaning toward work and reversing those factors that contribute to the opposite....ongoing stagnation.
