Identifying Transferable Skills Using Artificial Intelligence: A Personal Example
Steven Simon, Ph.D. In a previous blog I discussed the amazing power of artificial intelligence (AI) in identifying and using transferable skills in a job search. In this post, using myself as an example, I show how to easily generate a list of skills based on a set of specifications provided to the AI platform. The skills are then used to generate job options. In this instance a basic resume was input to ChatGPT as a base to work with. The content or the questions to GPT and the responses are quoted directly from Appendix A (questions 1 - 3) and Appendix B (question 4) of the 4th edition of my book, RELAUNCH! Stagnation, Change, and Renewal in Mid-Career and Beyond: Pandemic and Post-Pandemic Edition (2024), ChatGPT did not simply repeat the resume. Rather, it did an analysis of the content. Note that the main