Passion and Meaning for Work in Retirement - Avoiding Cognitive Decline?

In Part 8 of my new book, RELAUNCH!, you will note that I discuss continuing to find some work during retirement, even if it is only part-time, that will stimulate a sense of passion and meaning. This could include volunteer activities or paid work. The idea, as with all work, is to always be moving toward some type of renewal and a love for what you are doing.  When you are doing this repeatedly, not only are you improving your emotional well being, you are also likely to be exercising your intellect by using cognitive capacities, such as problem solving, planning, organizing, and memory. Intellectual activities are increasingly being seen as an independent risk factor in the development of dementia. That is, if you are actively involved in intellectual activities you may be more likely to at least delay onset or progression of cognitive decline. The data is not definitive yet, but it does seem to make sense. See this study report Brain Boosting Activities Tied to Lower Dementia Risk from MEDPAGE TODAY.
