2022 Update of Pandemic and Post-Pandemic Edition of RELAUNCH! and RELAUNCH! Workbook



The 2022 Pandemic and Post-Pandemic edition of RELAUNCH! Stagnation, Change, and Renewal in Mid-Career and Beyond by Steven Simon, Ph.D. is now available. Aside from a new look, this edition is fully updated with the latest information and resources to plan the rest of your career and find employment in the COVID-19 era and afterwards. There are 2 options for purchase:

1. Buy the ebook at your favorite retailer. Some retailers also allow book loans.

2. Buy the combination book and workbook in PDF format here.

PDF ADVANTAGES: The PDF version allows you to print out some or all of the book and workbook for personal reference or for providing staff training. And you can use it on any of your devices that have a PDF reader.

REDUCED PRICE: Best of all, offering the book in PDF form allowed us to reduce the price of the original hard copy book by 55%, plus we now also include the revised RELAUNCH! workbook. The price for both is only $8.99. And you get immediate delivery!

The RELAUNCH! Workbook has been updated to correspond with pandemic and post-pandemic changes in the labor market. It has specific features that allow for determining transferable skills and using them to help locate new emerging post-pandemic jobs. The Workbook is ideal for use by individuals, and groups or in employment workshops as a supplement to the book.

I hope you enjoy and benefit greatly from these new editions as we emerge from the pandemic. If you have any questions about the books or ordering, contact me at ssimon@hsoutcomes.com.

Steven Simon, Ph.D.
